Church Overview
Learn more about Christ Community Church of Etobicoke
Working together with Christ in seeing lives and communities change for good.
We connect people to God, people to people, and people to areas of service.
To create environments where people are encouraged and equipped to pursue intimacy with God, community with believers, and influence with those who do not yet believe
True worship - We must seek to worship God in all spheres of our lives. Worship should not be an event, it should be a lifestyle. It is what we do. It is who we are. We were created to worship Him. Worship also means honouring God. As part of honouring God, our relationship with each other should reflect respect and dignity of every human soul no matter their background. Every person is made in the image of God and deserves honour and respect.
We believe in Unity, but not conformity. We strive to have unity in doctrine, but not in style. We endeavour to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. That said, we will not conform to unbiblical standards or practices. Holiness inward and outward is still a biblical mandate for the church.
Diversity, but not discord. We will intentionally seek diversity in all areas of ministry, but not at the expense of mediocrity. We seek excellence in all we do, but will encourage diversity in personnel and practice. Diversity should however not lead to discord.
Serving each other and those in the community. Individually, we believe that God is first, others second, and me third. We must seek others interest first according to the Scripture. We embrace the Great Commandment of loving God and loving others as ourselves.
Multiplication: We must strive to multiply ourselves in every department. We must multiply converts, workers, small groups, and churches.